need help recalling late 90s instant noodles brand

I spent 2 months with my relatives back in 1997, and one of the random things I remembered was this brand of instant noodles (can't remember if it was 方便面 or 干脆面 -- I ate them raw sometimes but they didn't taste that... fried).

This brand came with the plastic pog-like discs that were being used as promotions, like these:
but I can't remember what specific design/character was used.

I vaguely recall orange and purple packaging variants for different flavors. IIRC, the logo had a boy with black hair in a middle part and button nose, drawn in a flat shaded, thick lined style. I tried my best to illustrate his face here, but it was a full body logo. I'm increasingly unsure of myself as I dig around.

Googling around, none of the current brands use anything similar, but it's been 25y, so wouldn't be surprising.