My Chili's business has seemingly exploded...just like the old days!
My go-to Chili's location for over 25 years has seen what I would estimate is a true explosion in business over the past 3-6 months. It's crazy, actually! For the last 5-10 years now, I would go there around 5:30-6pm on a weeknight and on more than 75 pct of my visits have no trouble with "self-seating" at a prime bar-area-located booth. Mind you, "self-seating" in the bar area has not been a thing for a long while now--except at the bar--but you know what I mean lol. Anyway, fast forward to say June/July/August of this year to present and no way can I do the same now! No way! I have to get there before 4:45 pm some days. And on weekends, for the first time in years, there are lines! People standing around outside! Now, in the 90's and 2000's, this location would have lines on the weekdays and the weekends...sometimes over 90 minutes. Not so over the past decade or so, as competition moved in right up the street at a Town Center type developement.
To what would we attribute this new growth in business? Advertising/marketing? Pricing/value? To be honest, I've been telling people for several years that Chili's was a much better value than fast food. Especially so since the pandemic. I guess everyone else has finally figured out that I was right! DARN!! :)