Can everyone just stop
Lost my dad unexpectedly a few weeks ago. I already didn't really care for the holiday season, so this one has been extra difficult.
Went to a Christmas get together at my in laws last week and every single gift I received has been some for of "sorry your dad is dead" "your dad is dead, sorry" "hey your dad is dead, don't forget"
They even got a couple gifts they asked me to deliver to my mom. I opened them to screen them, bc she is not holding it together as well as myself with everything and if they were anything like mine, and they were all the same: "dead husband" "your husband is dead". So those are currently living in the trunk of my car.
I'm so fucking tired of everything, every interaction, is now like this. I'm tired of being treated like I have a giant sign above my head that says "DEAD DAD".
I know it's only going to get worse bc now suddenly it looks like my grandad doesn't have much longer left.