I found a job! :D

It took for damn ever guys but I did it. Graduated in May 2024 with a BS in Computer Engineering. After months of searching, lowering expectations, raising them back up, and repeating that cycle 5 times-- I've now worked 2 days as a repair technician at a local electronics repair store.

Is it half the salary I was promised after graduating college? Nope.

Benefits, 401k, and the whole works? Nope.

But it is relevant and fulfilling work for a guy who has just wanted to learn about and build computers for the past decade. Even if "building computers" translates to "fixing all of your busted ass phone screens" in the real world. Close enough. I even helped an old man remove quite a nefarious scheme of viruses from his computer today. It felt fantastic uncovering those indian's plot, getting it off his system, and watching him pay the shop for my services.

Anywho-- I did it. I got a job in today's market and I'm providing great value to society after 23 long years on this planet. Praise the Lord. I'm no longer a deadbeat.

Can't wait to wreck my car otw to work tomorrow.