"This *insert special alien race* ages very slowly on earth" No how about letting the story evolve

Whether it comes from Saiyans, Kryptonians, Viltrumites or even Witchers I'm tired of authors having their mc's age slower to keep them longer both stifling creativity and keeping the status quo in check for too long.

DragonBall is never allowed to progress because Goku and Vegeta must always remain the mcs, they can never pass Beerus or Whis because they already tackled the multiverse and would have nowhere left to go so they're stuck in the void in perpetuity demoting all potential interesting side chatacters to d listers. And yeah Pickollo and Gohan are interesting now because of their new forms it won't last because it can't. At the end of the day all things must end in goku 😪

Superman in that same aspect is never allowed to leave because he doesn't age as rapidly and is the symbol of hope of DC meaning that no successor would ever be allowed to usurp him to tell new interesting creative stories. He and Lois must always be together, their son must always remain that, just their son who helps and makes dad proud by helping him or beating d tier villains. Lex must also always exist because nemesis and it just kinda sucks.