The bizarre dick-measuring of intelligence in comic books
Amadeus Cho is the 7th smartest person in the world, Hank Pym thinks he is smarter, Bruce Banner thinks that an intelligence ranking is a dumb thing, but then goes and creates a device that measures intelligence objectively, and he himself is 5th smartest because he knows about Gamma Rays or something, and Reed Richards is the smartest ever...
Until Mark Millar's Fantastic Four, in which his daughter Valeria becomes the smartest person in the world at the age of 2 years and 6 months...
That is, until "Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel" presents is to Blue Marvel, super-scientist and the smartest man on Earth...
That is, until Moon Girl comes, solves Bruce Banner's puzzle and becomes the smartest person on Earth, age 8...
That is, until we discover that Hank Pym has a Russian hyper-intelligent daughter that might be the smartest person in the whole world...
That is, until RiRi Willians makes an Iron Man armor all by herself using little to no resources, proving herself to be the smartest person on Earth...
That is, until Shuri is retconned from the no-fun warrior that wants to kill everything that moves to protect Wakanda into a girly techno-genius that is, guess what? The smartest person on Earth!
Ignoring the matter of how do they even measure intelligence like that (between the best mathematician and the best neuroscientist, is there a way to define who is smarter?), how many "the smartest person on Earth" do we need? And why is every new character the smartest person on Earth? And why all the smartest people in the world are engineers? Where are the artists, the poets, the mathematicians? It is either hard-science, or you are deemed too dumb the make into the list?