[DRAGON BALL] Goku's Emotional Intelligence and how the characters and the audience, both might overlook this aspect
Goku can often be associated with the 'Idiot Hero' trope,
This trope can apply in the sense that he's unlettered (not formally educated) and grew up in the woods, for a bulk of his childhood. He might lack basic reading or writing skills. He might also lack a more "refined" social persona, since he grew away from civilization (formalities, manners, code of conduct, etc...). He's "idiotic" in those regards.
However, that doesn't actually mean he's an idiot/dumb, even taking into consideration how he's often critiqued for being flanderized in DB: Super. If anything, Goku's emotional intelligence seems remarkable and often a trait most of the cast seem to overlook or misjudge. This shortcoming can also extend to the audience, perhaps.
He might not know the proper social ettiquette but the fact that he knows how to talk with the Omni-King/Grand Zeno and vibe with him/reach his wavelength, when Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kais, entities who are millions of years older and might have known and interacted with the Omni King a lot more, even if informally, seem to not, is a testament of that.
Goku is casual and open with Zenny because he seems to grasp what others around him seem to not - that this All-Powerful Supreme Being of the Cosmos has a personality of that of a Child's.
The Kais and GoDs too perceive him as a child, however see him for the opposite reasons Goku does - they see an entity who can destroy things or people at whim if he feels like it, might get offended if he's not given the things he might ask of, hence why their panic of being "proper" with the formalities with him, they seem him as being childish (since well, he's a child).
Goku otoh, sees him as a pure and innocent entity who seems to enjoy and admire spectacles of wonder, is curious and excitable - traits that are "child-like" (since well, again...he's a child).
The Kais and GoDs in the process, end up being disrespectful to the Omni King (even if unintentionally) as they fixate on all the protocols and hierarchies, and the consequences of not recognizing them, not understanding who he is behind all that, whereas, Goku might overlook the formalities, but also likely knows it doesn't matter in the long run, since he sees Zenny for who he actually is, underneath all that structure.
Goku is not being clueless about all this, as it's obvious how he freaks out when he brings Zenny to aid him with Future Trunks' timeline, only to instantly recognize he intends on purging it out of existence - he literally tries to bail out asap with the others the moment he realizes what Zeno's upto, I mean (not sure how the manga captures this, that said).
This is also strengthened with the reveal at the end of the ToP arc, how the whole tournament was a character test of sorts, and a selfish/self-centered wish would have not been entertained by Zeno. The wish 17 makes is precisely also what Goku wanted - it's why 17 briefly looks at him before making his wish, that's the implication, at least (and Goku smiling at it, once he makes the wish). And how again, Beerus (GoD) or Shin (Kai) never grasped this and in the process, misjudged or outright ignored Zeno's wisdom and foresightedness, amidst his child-like appearance and personality.
It's also why Angels, including the Grand Minister/Priest (especially him) don't seem fazed or offended by how Goku interacts with Zeno (on the contrary, he looks amused and fascinated even). The GP, being Zenny's steward of sorts, also knows/perceives the Omni King the same way Goku does, maybe his amusement is seeing how a mortal, who has barely known the Omni-King, seems to vibe well with him that angels and other entities who are millions of years older seem not to.
There are countless examples apart from this: Him sensing Piccolo Jr. was not the same as his Demon King counterpart, when others couldn't, him sniffing out and calling Vegeta's bluff for becoming Majin or him chewing him out when he was being stubborn to fuse while Super Buu was trying to eradicate Earth. Him sensing how Future Trunks did not mean any malice when he tries to hit him with the sword, when the other characters (apart from Bulma and Gohan) seem to be suspicious of him (kinda understandable due to how "dodgy" Trunks was being, in fairness). Or him figuring out Broly means well and is being manipulated and exploited by his father and Freiza.