The Rich Man's Eight Track Tape
Thought you guys might be amused and / or infuriated by this excellent Big Black compilation with a title dissing our beloved format. The liner notes, in all CAPS, lay it out: "This compact disc, compiled to exploit those of you gullible enough to own the bastardly first generation digital music system, contains all-analog masters. Compact discs are quite durable, this being their only advantage over real music media. You should take every opportunity to scratch them, fingerprint them, and eat egg and bacon sandwiches off them. Don't worry about their longevity, as Philips will pronounce them obsolete when the next phase of the market-squeezing technology bonanza begins."
To be fair, the author (presumably Big Black mastermind and all-round surly genius Steve Albini) is hard on everyone and everything, even his band's own music. The sticker on one of the EPs collected on this compilation read, "Warning! Not as good as Atomizer, so don't get your hopes up, cheese."
RIP Steve, long live Big Black.