Help me name my foster fail rescue cat with one eye!

My husband and I foster failed this now HEALTHY boy. The recuse named him Popeye, it is cute but we DO NOT want to keep the name from the rescue. We have been referring to him as Popeye or Poopsy cause he was feeling crummy when we first brought him home.

Popeye is a former feral colony kitty who the vet suspects either abused or had some sort of trauma. He has been through a lot recovering from Calicivirus, Feline Herpes, and a Mycoplasma. He also has a slightly dislocated sternum and an abdominal hernia. Although his beginning into this world were unfortunate, he has been adopted be a very loving family and makes sure he gets all the attention and treats he deserves. He is very attached to me and a very sweet boy. Not an aggressive bone in his body. He won’t even hiss or bite me with giving him medication. He just demands to be pet constantly and showered with affection.

The names my Husband and I have considered are:

Poe - Feels appropriate but wanting to see other o options. Houdini - More syllables than I would like. Oden - Doesn’t feel right.

Any ideas you guys have? TIA!