Are Catholics offended when someone does not receive the Eucharist?
Forgive me for asking this question, but I have been attending a Catholic Church for the last several weeks now, on weekdays and just recently on Saturdays, yet I have not gone up to receive the Eucharist. Yesterday at mass, after the priest instructed us to greet fellow parishioners, I shook the hand of an older woman in the pew in front of me.
When it came time for everyone (excluding myself and one other person) to receive the Eucharist, she went up but then chose to sit far away from me on her way back. And I’ve noticed that the priest, after being very welcoming the first week, has sort of given me the cold shoulder now. Could it be related to me not receiving the Eucharist? I have no idea. I am not a confirmed Catholic and my father said that it is a sin for me to receive the Eucharist in my current state.
Am I unknowingly offending people by not receiving the Eucharist? A long time ago I tried dating the daughter of a woman (Pentecostal) who said that Catholics are in a brainwashing cult, and although that was/is not my personal belief, I wanted to attend a mass and see for myself. It’s a lot more orderly than other Christian denominations, however I would not use the word cult to describe it.
Thank you very much.