Catholic position on filioque / nicene creed

I’m trying to get a better understanding of the Catholic point of view as to why the Nicene Creed was changed and why the Orthodox Church views this in a negative light.

To the best of my knowledge the clause stating that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son was added centuries prior to the schism and eventually was officially adopted by Rome a few decades prior to the split.

On the one hand, the addition of the clause makes sense and I can understand Romes stance since Jesus is in fact God, and to deny any of his divinity and state that He is lacking something that the Father has seems wrong.

But on the other hand, I can understand the Orthodox stance of disagreement since a previous council agreed on the creed in the first place, and it seems wrong to just decide such a dramatic change without any sort of agreement between all of the church leaders

That being said, what was Romes reasoning for choosing to push something this important through without wider acceptance from the entire Church?

It seems like such a messy topic that’s hard to pin down.