PM-04: Living in Quebec - Working in Ontario - How much do you save for Quebec taxes?


The title says it all. I know I am very early for the tax season, but I just want to be prepared.

I am indeterminate with a remote position : I live in Quebec and I work in Ontario. Before, I worked in Quebec too so taxes was not an issue.

The next tax season will be obviously different. I am very worried abour how much I will owe for Quebec taxes.

I know people have different situation, but I was wondering if there is a PM-04 in this group (or equivalent position) that is in the same boat than me, and approx how much did they owe for Quebec taxes?

I had a few money problem in the past few months and I was not able to put money aside for taxes. Maybe having an estimate will help me set up a plan to save money for this situation.

Thank you :)