What is the first week like ?
Hello, this will be my first semester here at Long Beach ( transferring from Cypress ). My first class is at 9:30am TuTH the next class 5:30pm TuTh. I’ll be commuting from Norwalk and I heard lots of stories on how parking is HORRIBLE at LB but especially on the first few weeks. I was thinking leaving at 7:30am but if it’s really that bad then I’ll leave 7am on the dot. I also don’t mind going early for various reasons like settling in, reviewing work, eating, using the restroom and locating classes. Luckily, both of my lecture classes ( COB ) are right next to each other.
Do professors go over syllabus then jump into lecture? I’ve had some classes at cypress where it was chill just going over syllabus then some classes “look at the syllabus at your own time, let’s start lecture”
Also, any business majors in here ? ( HR ). I’m hoping to network with anybody, maybe get a groupchat going for homework, tests, etc etc
HRM 360-04 ( LEC) TuTh 9:30-10:45am MGMT 300-05 ( LEC ) TuTh 5:30pm-6:45pm