I set a boundary/cancelled with someone. Do I owe an explanation?
This is what I sent:
“Hey, I know we’ve talked on and off over the past couple years. I feel like I’m in a very different place in my life than you. With that, I’d like to cancel coffee for Saturday and stop pursuing any nsa/fwb, I apologize that this is last minute.”
They replied with multiple messages asking why, and how, I knew we were in diff places.
The thing is the “on and off” of our communication has been far more off because they tend to be quite arrogant and don’t consider others in their frame of view. This has triggered my CPTSD, notably my flight and (sometimes) fawn response.
However, what finally got me to say the boundary, though still late, I understand, was when I mentioned my anxiety about the election. I stand to lose my insurance, and multiple other benefits. This person basically told me to calm down, it’s nbd since we live in a blue state. While true, I could still lose access to things like medication, housing support, financial support, etc. Plus, my anxiety is still valid.
This person doesn’t seem to care to understand or empathize. They’re higher up in realty management so they’re better off financially, and they seem to have the attitude of “if it doesn’t affect me, it doesn’t matter.” And that’s the “different places” part, but it doesn’t feel like they’d be receptive to hearing that. Rather they’d get more defensive about it.
In fact, as I type this, I know I made the right decision to not see them because if they sent so many messages in a, presumably, defensive way, I would definitely not feel safe having sex with them which was all we had planned to do, a fwb/nsa thing.