And just like that it’s gone
This will probably be my last post here. Between July-September, I had severe stomach pain and discomfort from what I believed to be chs. I was getting horrible stomach gas and bloating. I started moderating use, staying away from carts and smoking just flower, which worked. And around 1 month ago I had my last incident, where I had stomach gas from smoking and almost passed out due to low iron.
Fast forward to today. I’ve been daily smoking for about 2-3 weeks, and had no problems. I don’t know if I ever had chs, if it was just a gi infection or what. I personally believe it was something to do with spraying or something in the bud I may have been allergic to or something that wasn’t supposed to be in my system as the ounce I bought from the dispensary was the only thing I was smoking. But either way I have been able to return to daily smoking.
I know this is a place about healing and for most people here a break won’t cut it and some of y’all have this for life, but I felt like sharing my story here for advice and/or anyone else having similar symptoms. I researched for hours on the symptoms of just having stomach gas from smoking and I kept leading to dead ends, saying I had chs or a gi issue (which I never faced problems with apart from smoking). And honestly it wasn’t worth it for me to go to a doctor for them to probe my ass and tell me they have no clue either. I appreciate everyone who’s helped me along the way and for now it seems like whatever I had going on is gone.