Prodromal Phase or Stomach Bug

I’ve been smoking pretty regularly (1g a day of flower) for the past 4 years with occasional t-breaks. For the most part, I didn’t experience any negative side effects. However, about a week ago I greened out from an edible (intense nausea) and then a few days ago I got what dI assumed was a stomach bug or food poisoning (intense nausea, ddizziness and lightheadedness, stomach pain, lump in throat, etc) and thought that smoking a little bit might ease my symptoms. Initially it was fine but the next day I smoked a very small amount and got intense stomach pain and felt like my throat was closing up so I panic-researched CHS and decided to stop smoking. For the next day, I experienced some moderate stomach pain (especially after eating some smoked salmon which contains omega-3) and now, today, I feel mostly fine with a bit of lingering upset. I am terrified of throwing up (and am frankly too busy to be dealing with hyperemesis) but was wondering if people think that this could just be my stomach healing from illness or it could be THC related.

I know my relationship with weed hasn’t always been the healthiest but it really helps with my depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I’m currently planning on quitting for at least 2 weeks to a month/until my stomach feels completely better but I was wondering if people on here think this could be the prodomal phase or if I’m just anxious.