Kind of disappointed

As the title says, I’m a little disappointed after playing the game for a couple of days. Granted it seems like we’ll be getting the day one update on Friday, and maybe this’ll improve the experience a bit, but other than RTG and Dynasty I haven’t really enjoyed the game very much.

Feels like a slower Madden. Animations are still king, WRs still dropping either wide open passes or passes they already had but got a love tap from a DB, still buggy as hell, create a player / team nowhere to be found, commentary team somehow sounds worse than Gaudin and Davis, defense is still either unrealistically responsive or ten yards away from where the pass is thrown... I know it sounds like I’m just being a negative Nancy here, but for as much as this game was hyped up by EA so far it feels like I’m playing a modded Madden.

I’m really hoping that the day one update and future updates improve the game. Hopefully everyone else is enjoying it more than I have so far.

TLDR: Game feels like a re-skinned Madden and I’m a bit let down.