Feeling overwhelmed after reading the syllabus pdf provided by Aswini Bajaj

Hello, I'm planning for CFA L1 2025 attempt. I've been researching and reading about syllabus and classes since few days before making up my mind whether to give this exam or not.

I'm a BMS graduate with a finance specialization. While I'm familiar with topics like FSA, Equity, Corporate issuers and Ethics one, as I was reading the syllabus pdf given by Aswini bajaj I felt very overwhelmed and confused while reading the Learning outcome and Pre requisite section of Quants and Economics provided in the pdf. I couldn't understand any of it. I didn't have these two subjects in my graduation so is it because of that?

Should a make a decision whether to give this exam or not based on that syllabus pdf since I couldn't understand what was written there i might find the curriculum difficult right? Or is that pdf a bit of exaggeration?

If someone can help me out it would be great I've attached the pictures for reference.