my rant letter to the principal reached her :|
Picture this : you've just reached your class on a rainy day (which has already ruined your mood) and you see all of your class students standing holding their bags. why you ask? Rat infestation. Yes (not too serious but I like making a big deal out of it)
we had to shift to a spare classroom (pros- half of the physics class was wasted). Now, I'm a temperamental person. Plus the physics class was boring as hell. So I wrote a letter to the principal about how careless they are to pass the time(I taunted her a lot with exaggeration like 'we assume the rats have found their abode in the ACs that aren't functioning since 2 months,'we paid 1.5L for this', 'we're facing these issues among others that I can't really bring to your notice because this is more concerning, ye kardo toh bhi badi baat he', 'we're at risk of deadly diseases because of you all', 'you're all such money minded fellas', 'try seeing rat urine trail down from the Acs and having to look at the excreted metabolic waste on your table sometimes', 'imagine your kid studying like that' etc). And it basically looked like an essay lol. I showed it to my friend because.. I like fking around and it somehow got circulated through the entire class.
A friend I hadn't met since a year had come at the same time for some paperwork and I was so hysterical I talked to her for 20 mins straight and forgot about the class. Someone called a representative from our class to inform the principal about the problem and behind my back, the girl who read my letter gave it to the attendant who gave it to the principal.
I don't know what's going to happen of me now.
(Edit: For the context, I study in a really strict girls school, and its rare that people ever complain. I have practicals coming up and the principal's the biology practicals grader.)