Guy wanted to meet in the Walmart parking lot to decide if he wanted to take me to dinner or not

I had a man say one time that he just wanted to meet somewhere to see if we should make plans to go out. I said well where were you thinking about meeting? He said oh I don’t know just wherever you’re comfortable. I said give me some kind of a hint here - are we talking a drink, coffee, Walmart? He said well we could meet off the side of the road or in a parking lot somewhere and see if we like each other. I am 55 years old - I don’t meet in parking lots. That is the kind of stuff teenagers do. I didn’t say that, but I told him that if money was an issue, I would pay my own way and he got really offended by that. We live in the South and men get offended when women offer to pay, but I really couldn’t even read the situation. He kept on about meeting in the Walmart parking lot, and I just said never mind.