Daphne should have ended up with the prince…

Simon consistently lied to her and used her ignorance about sex to satisfy his lust for her. He took advantage of her and seduced her and he didn’t even seem to love her when it was clear that she thought he couldn’t have children he continued the charade and said nothing to clarify the situation. They never talked to each other openly, they only had sex… When Daphne found out he lied to her instead of confronting him she r*ped him. And instead of apologizing to him and resolving the situation somehow and discussing it properly like a couple in love, we get a scene where it seems like Simon is settling and accepting to be with Daphne just because they are married. We don’t even get a proper love scene, he never tells her he loves her and he doesn’t show it either. All we get is how he ‘burns’ for her and we see a lot of lust but lust is not love and it seems to me like their relationship is one sided and Daphne is in love with a man who doesn’t love her. These 2 were so toxic for each other and Daphne and the prince were much more compatible and they would not have treated each other like this in my opinion. Their marriage wouldn’t have been based on lies… I actually think Daphne and Simon are one of the most toxic couples ever and I watch Riverdale!

In my headcannon Daphne is always alone without Simon because they hate each other and avoid each other because they could never get over the events from s1 haha. I wish they’d showed them dealing with their issues in s2 and showing us that they actually love each other…

I really hope we won’t get Colin and Penelope treating each other like this in s3 and we get a proper love story with no unresolved issues…