Maybe I'm cooking on briar?

Yo I am a jgl/support player. My most played champ in jgl rn is briar she makes a lot of fun but in Dia + she doesn't feel as strong I thought how do I make her feel better? I play a lot of pyken sup and when he is banned I mostly play panth/Camille support. Then it came to me like a flash. Why do I not pick briar support and play her exactly like I do with panth/Camille? And to my surprise briar support right now feels stronger then both of them? (Maybe Becuz of the surprise factor that they think I troll )

Build is eclipse Becuz cheap. Into cleaver for team shred and streaks. Last item mostly ga .

Play style is lvl E and just chill maybe against melee support do a trade with auto attack and e away. then if u get lvl first u just Q enemy ADC and force a good trade or flash. Lvl 3 u skill W and just get first blood most of the time. It's important that u don't skill W before lvl 3 or u just run it down. Also take alot of roams on first base to mid/ top with shoes and lvl 3. Results in a kil most of the time. Im testing more games today . It's fun!