Blocked after being told future down the road

My ex and I dated for alittle under and year and about a month ago we split up. She said she still loves and cares about me but needed space to heal and try again later. She went as far as to say that she doesn’t want to say goodbye because she wants to see me again. We also agreed on saying that if we ever need someone we can be there for each other. I went to text her a week ago just as a courteous checkup and I found she blocked me. This was worse than the break up itself for me. While we had a not perfect relationship there was a lot of love and admiration for each other. I wish I just knew why she blocked after saying she wanted to see me again. Thoughts?

We were both pretty big on closure and communication so it tore me up all week to see she blocked me w/o a proper good bye could I except to hear from her again or she just moved on and didn’t have the courtesy to say goodbye.