Ex(8 months NC) avoiding me in person...

Soo, my ex and I just saw eachother for the first time since breakup(8 months). It was at klub we usually go. So he clearly saw me and just moved eye contact, and totaly ignored me. Later on he and few of his friends were looking at me strangely. Then after that I went to this bakery were everyone goes after klub. He was sitting few meters away and then when he was leaving he litterly crossed 4 track road on other side just not to walk near me. I dont know what to think anymore, he clearly does not care after all that time we have been together(year and half). He cant even look at me or just say hi when seeing me. He was my first love and my biggest heartbreak. I just feel like nothing and that every thing he had ever told me and everything we have had is complete bullshit. Sad thing is that I still love him and miss him like crazy and would give everything that it wasnt like this and that we are still together... I'm just a loser even thinking these thoughts after all this time...

Just had to write somewhere, sorry for bad english.