Hardware store boomer doesn’t understand why people don’t work for free.
This one actually has a pretty good ending.
Currently working on a project car, so i'm at the hardware store buying nuts and bolts, like one or 2 every day.
One of the boomers realized in more knowledgeable in the hardware isle than him, so he just started being friendly, which is my preferred outcome here.
I made some comment how my day was good, finished work early, and I'm salary. Now I get to go work on my truck. One thing leads to another and he was complaining that the people he supervised at a previous job wouldn't do a 5 minute meeting off the clock. I told him they were right, I don't work for free, this isn't a charity, assuming i'm hourly, if you're taking me from my family for 10 minutes, i'm being paid.
I'm usually there with my 1 year old daughter, and i clearly enjoy having her with me. I think something in his head clicked with the family comment.