Demokrasi adalah …
Democracy is a circus, plain and simple—a system built on the naive idea that the masses, most of whom can’t even grasp basic economics or political history, are somehow qualified to choose leaders. You think giving everyone a vote leads to justice? Wrong. It leads to mob rule, where the loudest voices drown out the wisest ones. The average voter is swayed by charisma, soundbites, and outright lies. Democracy doesn’t reward competence—it rewards whoever can sell the best story, no matter how hollow. CRAZY .
Democracy is a circus, plain and simple—a system built on the naive idea that the masses, most of whom can’t even grasp basic economics or political history, are somehow qualified to choose leaders. You think giving everyone a vote leads to justice? Wrong. It leads to mob rule, where the loudest voices drown out the wisest ones. The average voter is swayed by charisma, soundbites, and outright lies. Democracy doesn’t reward competence—it rewards whoever can sell the best story, no matter how hollow. CRAZY .