Class 2-A is watching Dragon Ball, with a twist...

Having watched Dragon Ball as children, Izuku knows Katsuki has a second, secret dream; to realise the legend and become the Legendary Super Saiyan.

This meant a lot of screaming and fainting from being lightheaded on Katsuki's part. (Or exploding so hard he knocked himself out.)

Of course, Katsuki never managed to become a Super Saiyan –Dragon Ball is a work of fiction. Eventually, Katsuki moved on and has seemingly forgotten all about the space epic of golden monkeys and intergalactic real estate sharks, but Izuku always suspected the hope was kept alive somewhere in his anger-prone little heart. Reality just took precedent. Heroes don't just happen.

After the Final War against All for One and Shigaraki, Class 2-A is supposed to be taking things easier on the physical front of their education. Many of them suffered physical injuries a couple of smooches from UA's favourite old crone simply won't fix. Giving them thus enough free time to have a watch party of Kirishima's favourite series, Dragon Ball.

Normally, Izuku would be excited about it.

It's an opportunity to flex his nerdom. He likes Dragon Ball. Great humour, exciting fights, killer soundtract. So what's the problem?

The problem is, where Izuku likes Dragon Ball and appreciates it as a gem of the bygone pre-Quirk era, Katsuki LIVES Dragon Ball. He has all the BluRays and DvDs, he has every single volume, every single interview, action figures as far as the eye can see. Where Izuku's room is a place of worship towards All Might, Katsuki's is a shrine to Son Goku and Vegeta. If he didn't have blonde hair already, he would have bleached it himself.

And right now, with his heart being in the frail state that it is, Katsuki is supposed to avoid excitement. He can barely climb the stairs without Recovery Girl knocking his knees black and blue with her cane for not doing it calmly enough, he can't watch something as hot-blooded as Dragon Ball! Especially when it might reignite his secret dream and he starts trying to become a Super Saiyan again! And explode his heart trying!

The simple solution, of course, would be to simply not watch it. Pick something else, anything else. But Izuku doesn't do simple.

Besides, Class 2-A has already talked itself up about it and is excited about the watch party every Friday.

There is only one solution; Izuku must ensure the watch party takes place every Friday night while making sure Katsuki never finds out about it.

Because if he does, he WILL start watching Dragon Ball with the rest of them. They WILL reach the Freeza saga and he WILL try to realise his childhood dream of becoming a Super Saiyan...

And die trying.