Update for my MHA alias change post
I didn’t mean offence with this post
I just felt that some of these names felt a bit too much. I’m not saying every name I come up with is better, that’s why I put them here to discuss them with you. Also I explicitly said I had found some of these on countless other threads, discussions, post, so it’s not like I’m the only person with this opinion. Here’s my reasoning behind some, and if left some out because I concede I was wrong on some:
Anima does not mean animal, check the definition
Big Red Dot sounds wilful childish
Can’t Stop Twinkling is superficial, while Magnifique fits with his, aesthetic, and Francophilia
Cementoss isn’t a word. Mixer as in cement mixer
Centipeder also isn’t a word, and Human Centipede fits Horikoshi’s love of American pop culture
Comic Man doesn’t roll of the tongue the way Batman, or Superman do
Creati, again, isn’t a word while Genesis is both intellectual and rooted in culture
Crimson Riot, I have no idea what that means please tell me
Curious does not have the same feel as Invincible, Pitfall encapsulates her whole deal
Death Arms, how can someone be called that and not Alien Queen? Armstrong is the Surname of Louis and David, and Kaminari was open to having a celebrity surname-esque surname
Earphone Jack is just lazy while Hi-Fi relates to her hero and musician sides
Edgeshot, I now get the edgy part, still don’t like it, but what about the shot?
Elecplant, Froppy, Magne, aren’t words
I Will explain more later. Right now I just want to have a cordial discussion, not people just saying my ideas are stupid or cringe