Do you think there are rules the Wizard should never be able to break?

Last night I ran a silly 7-player game with a Shab, Wizard, Amnesiac, and 4 Alchemist Wizards. The Amnesiac added +3 alchemists and each night they picked a player and learned yes or no to help them identify the alchemist wizards.

One of the alchemist wizards wished for all alignments to be flipped. Since this was a silly game I decided to honor it, but the cost was that no one learns their alignment was changed since that would only be even worse for the (original) good team as the demon would just kill themselves and win. I did give a clue after that player died though, that a few people picked up on (though not the demon).

At the end of the game there was one player who was upset that the rule that you always need to know your alignment was broken. I feel like the Wizard can break fundamental game rules like this, but curious what others think?