Mod Announcement: We are fourth wave and intersectional, we do not hate men

Lately, we've been seeing a lot of disturbing comments on this sub that go far beyond a little venting. Jokes about putting men in concentration camps. Comments about "males" being the root of all evil. Calls for banning people with low IQs from voting. Quite a few anti-muslim comments (which isn't the same as being anti-Islam). A lot of FDS style black pill stuff. Worst of all, instead of being reported, a lot of these comments get upvoted. We seem to have just gotten rid of the TERFS, now this.

To be honest, I'm appalled. We, the mod team, do not believe men are our enemies. We believe patriarchy and capitalism need to be dismantled to free all people. We cannot in good conscience platform fascist rethoric. We need to do better than this. We cannot claim moral high ground on reddit, then turn around and say these things like they don't mean anything. We may be marginalised, but we're not the only ones suffering under this system, and that includes men.

On a personal note, I'm German. Some of my own family were murdered, fled or otherwise disappeared in the 40s. Others lived the rest of their lives in fear that it could ever happen again. It pains me to see the state of our comment sections, to see fellow feminists joke carelessly about the immeasurable human suffering that was the holocaust. Or any other genocide, for that matter. They're not just horrors from the past either, we still do these things to human beings in one form or other.

There is no group that deserves to be dehumanised. Even the people you hate. Even the ones you'd much rather believe to be monsters. Every group and person you dislike, are human beings, and we need to treat them as such.