Do you really believe in hyperbitcoinization?

I'd love to hear your arguments on this. I hear plenty of people saying that in the future people will massively use Bitcoin, that it will replace currencies, kill central banks etc. Do you really believe that?

I don't see any world where the states lets people use Bitcoin instead of their currencies. On the contrary, I think we're heading towards more and more control, especially via CBDCs.

I've heard people say that CBDCs are precisely what's going to push people to massively adopt Bitcoin, but that's totally overestimating people's desire for independence, as most don't give a damn and aren't looking to live in libertarian autarky, and furthermore, given that Bitcoin is transparent and public, it's very, very easy for the government to regulate/tax/track Bitcoin so much that most people will give up, with the introduction of a tax on unrealized capital gains to give just one example, or the total tracking of exchanges and wallets, and so on.

So yes, there will always be a few individuals who will escape the system, but hyperbitcoinization seems totally naive to me... So I'd love to hear your arguments, if it's not just hopium.