Proud of myself.
Never played a game like this or programmed. I am 32 hours in, so I am just proud of myself for making this script and it worked! I'd say it could be done better but I have not idea lol. The top part is thanks to u/Reasonable_Law3275 and u/HiEv.
export async function main(ns) {
let servers = new Set(["home"]);
for (const server of servers) {
ns.scan(server).forEach(x => servers.add(x));
var File = 'iron-gym.js'
var Mem = ns.getScriptRam(File)
const target_list = Array.from(servers)
for (var i = 1; i < target_list.length; i++) {
if (ns.getHackingLevel()>ns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel(target_list[i])) {
ns.scp(File, target_list[i])
ns.tprint(File + " installed on " + target_list[i]);
var SPort = ns.getServerNumPortsRequired(target_list[i])
var Sram = ns.getServerMaxRam(target_list[i])
var MaxScript = Math.floor(Sram/Mem)
if (SPort >= 1) {
if (ns.fileExists("BruteSSH.exe", "home")) {
ns.tprint(target_list[i] + " has SSH port opened.")
if (SPort >= 2) {
if (ns.fileExists("FTPCrack.exe", "home")) {
ns.tprint(target_list[i] + " has FTP port opened.")
if (SPort >= 3) {
if (ns.fileExists("relaySMTP.exe", "home")) {
ns.tprint(target_list[i] + " has SMTP port opened.")
if (SPort >= 4) {
if (ns.fileExists("HTTPWorm.exe", "home")) {
ns.tprint(target_list[i] + " has HTTP port opened.")
if (SPort == 5) {
if (ns.fileExists("SQLInject.exe", "home")) {
ns.tprint(target_list[i] + " has SQL port opened.")
if (ns.hasRootAccess(target_list[i]) == false) {
try {ns.nuke(target_list[i])} catch { ns.tprint("Nuke Failed") }
ns.tprint(target_list[i] + " was Nuked.")
if (ns.hasRootAccess(target_list[i])) {
ns.tprint("Has Root Access to " + target_list[i] + ".")
if (MaxScript>0){
ns.exec(File, target_list[i], MaxScript)
ns.tprint(File + " is running " + MaxScript + " time.")
await ns.sleep(1000);