Brookwood hospital snow days

Let me inform everyone how Baptist health Brookwood hospital has treated their employees through this inclement weather snow event. - employees were told they had to report to work by 5pm Thursday (call teams and anyone that had to work Friday) this was required and they would be paid their base hourly wage while they were at the hospital. They would be provided food and places to sleep. This info was sent out via email. - Thursday at 4:28 an email was sent out that employees would not be paid their base hourly wage but a much lower “standby rate” even though they were required to be there. - Employees were told to bring their own linens, pillows, towels, blankets, and possibly air mattresses. - Employees arrived between 5-8pm and had rooms with no beds or assigned with 2-3 people with only 1-2 beds in the room. Rooms were dirty with no toilet paper. - Employees received no further communication from management/administration. - All food/snacks removed from cafeteria besides the extremely limited food being served. No options to buy the usual chips/snacks/ etc

How are other hospitals treating their employees?