What would you do? My free test is 200.

I got interested in bodybuilding and started to research about everything and came across multiple gym youtubers saying "if your free test is ~200 you've done steroids and crashed everything and your test is worse than girls." Well, I guess I'm a girl.

-I have never taken any steroids or other performance enhancing drugs.
-I've done sports my entire life.
-I eat healthy, stopped drinking alcohol ALMOST completely late 2022.
Age: 25
Height: 184cm
Weight: 85kg

Been going to the gym on and off for like 6 years, been "taking it serious" for 2 years now.

I've done my blood work 3 times now.

Late 2023 (stopped drinking alcohol completely)
Test: 21,5 nmol/l
Free: 285 pmol/l
SHBG: 49 nmol/l
Mid 2024 (started taking tongkat ali)
Test: 24,6 nmol/l
Free: 321 pmol/l
SHBG: 51 nmol/l
Now (dec 2024)
Test: 20,3 nmol/l
Free: 291 pmol/l
SHBG: 41 nmol/l

I tried turkesterone from Gorilla Mind - Didn't work or feel any special.
Tried tongkat ali for couple of months - stopped cos didnt feel anything and obviously didn't work like I thought it would.

So in short: Im healthy, never done drugs, why is my test so low and how do I increase it?