Looking for advice Low T
I’ve seen a lot of great discussion here and I would appreciate some solid feedback here. I’m about to be 40, workout about 5 times a week, for 1.5 hours, including 45 minutes of cardio and some minor lifting. I think I’ve had issues for a long time, digestive and managing stress mainly. Lately, I feel terribly sore no matter what day it is, my muscles feel like they want to give up, recovery time is obviously slowed so much, building lean muscle is so so hard, sleep patterns have been extremely poor, and my sexual drive is down. I really feel like I haven’t accomplished hardly any of what I wanted out of life, and I’m just so concerned, my bros.
I recently decided to take a hormone panel test. All my thyroid tests and metabolic tests actually came back with good/ decent scores. But my testosterone results were predictably low. I need help considering treatment options so I can get back a semblance of exciting potential in my life. Another angle to this is that I recently lost my job, so I’m on California low income insurance, medi-cal. If anyone has advice, even if I have to go out of pocket, please let me know. I need my life back. Here’s the results:
Total T 291, on a scale of 250-1100 ng/l Free T 53, on a scale of 35-155 pg/ml Dihydrotestosterone 22, on a scale of 12-65 ng/dl