What can I do for SSRI withdrawal?

I’m midway through a 6 week taper after being on 20 mg of Lexapro for 20 years.

I know. I know. You don’t have to tell me that it’s fast. I’m feeling it. BUT this is a difficult choice I made in order to be eligible to receive psilocybin treatment. It’s medically supervised and I have a full medical team looking out for me.

I have always wanted to get off this medication, and this is a rare opportunity to both do that and possibly put my depression and OCD in long term remission.

Now, back to the symptoms. They suck, but aren’t Hell. Just uncomfortable. I feel very flat, very tired, more depressed, anxious, very irritable, and feel very negative about everything. Oh and my sleep is garbage and full of insane dreams. I’m like a slug 😂

Currently this is what I’m doing:

  • Eating TONS of raw fermented foods
  • Trying to eat better
  • Taking a mood probiotic with Ashwaganda
  • 10 g of fish oil (5G EPA) daily
  • 18 g inositol
  • 80 g Saffron
  • 100 mg of L Theanine several times daily
  • D3
  • Light therapy in morning
  • 600 mg Coq10 and 20 mg PQQ
  • Al Carn

I’m probably doing everything I can, minus exercise (but omg even getting off the couch is a battle) but I’ll try that as I stabilize, but I figure if anyone can help it’s you guys.

Thank you. 🙏🏻 Trying to stay strong 💪🏻