Best BED influencer for guidance
I have had BED since I was 12, and I’m 21 now. I’ve gone through so many different periods of bingeing and restricting and trying to find ways to recover. In college I found @itsryannnicole on Instagram and so many of her posts made me feel SO seen. She had BED, and eventually overcame it and became a licensed therapist and nutritionist. And man. The things she posts about. It just hits the nail on the head. And her podcast too!! It’s so good and really gets into the detailed stuff.
I just reply to so many posts saying she helped me so I feel like making an actual post just with a plug to her IG/podcast might help a few people like it helped me. Granted, I’m not recovered. But she helped me understand some really key things about my BED that I never would’ve understood before. If you can’t afford a therapist/outpatient/treatment, I feel like her page/podcast is such a good place to start. She also has free group meetings on zoom every Tuesday, and I go to those as well!