Tips? Advice?
I don’t wanna come off as insensitive because I don’t know if it’s BED except I have problems binging a lot of the times. I don’t usually eat breakfast or lunch and I always end up eating a lot when I get home from school. And I always feel bloated throughout the day no matter what I do. Except whenever I eat dinner I get huge urges to just snack non stop and I don’t know why. I feel like I can never get full even on days where I eat breakfast and lunch. And I don’t know how to break through this cycle of not eating and then eating sooo much all at once. It gets to the point where I can’t sleep and I feel a lot of discomfort due to the bloatness and I’m not really sure what to do in my situation. Maybe looking for suggestions of how some people dealt with certain situations? Or how to break the habit of snacking a lot.