My beardy ate a nerf dart

Sorry for the disgusting picture. Help, my beardy ate a nerf dart. We don't even know how he found it, he has some time to roam around free in the apartment but he is always supervised, we don't know how it happened. This morning he was taking his regular sun bath and pooped the nerf dart. Is it possible the dart damaged something internally? Should we take him to the vet for x-ray? Or the fact that he pooped ir means he is okey? We don't know when he ate it and we didn't noticed any change in his behaviors these days, he had been eating fine, but he didn't poop for a couple of days before today. He seems fine now. Is running like crazy as always, he ate too, and I tried touching his abdomen to see if I felt anything else but didn't feel anything hard inside.

Sorry for the disgusting picture. Help, my beardy ate a nerf dart. We don't even know how he found it, he has some time to roam around free in the apartment but he is always supervised, we don't know how it happened. This morning he was taking his regular sun bath and pooped the nerf dart. Is it possible the dart damaged something internally? Should we take him to the vet for x-ray? Or the fact that he pooped ir means he is okey? We don't know when he ate it and we didn't noticed any change in his behaviors these days, he had been eating fine, but he didn't poop for a couple of days before today. He seems fine now. Is running like crazy as always, he ate too, and I tried touching his abdomen to see if I felt anything else but didn't feel anything hard inside.