How come the sound of sneakers is generally so embraced by the community?
Even though sounds a shoe make doesn’t equate to either performance nor traction at least Many internet sources agree with that. However the “unofficial soundtrack of basketball” seems music to their ears. And they want thier own shoes to be loud and to make noise with any shoes on thier feet whenever possible.
Though Does it give them a feeling of power to make that sound? Especially over a defender likely to confuse them or even scare them out of the way ie the “stutter step?” And do players have less confidence if their shoes don’t squeak for whatever reason ie whether the shoes or the surface.
It appears a give away of a sports enthusiastic is the way he or she moves and sounds their shoes may create, even when not active with their sport(nor wearing their “game shoes”) I know a couple who often wears the same street shoes or sneakers as each other however the guy often makes noise with his shoes (whether be chucks, vintage Nikes, vans, flip flops) moving about but his not so athletic wife hardly ever squeaks her shoes despite wear same model footwear on the same surface. Apparently it isn’t uncommon for them to make the sound on purpose on or off the court ie supermarket, at home, on any smooth yet grabby surface everywhere etc.
Another i noticed is habits such as leaning or feet back against a wall or a bench. That’s my 2 cents obviously there are of course individuals who don’t embrace either behavior or dislike the loud squealing of sneakers either of his own or others.