I’m not even sure where to start
Hi, sorry if this doesn’t fit or goes against board rules I’m just feeling pretty lost on everything
Weight loss has been a struggle my whole life and I’m just so tired emotionally and physically and want any leg up I can I’m also disabled and have a bad back so sometimes exercise feels near impossible being this heavy (last I checked I think I’m at 270 pounds ish)
I’m considering bariatric surgery but I don’t even know where to begin Do I schedule a normal doctor appointment for a referral? Can I go to someone directly and talk to them? What is the best course of action?
Also is healing really hard? I work a pretty physical job so How long would I be out or can I be put on light work?
Again sorry if this isn’t correct or anything I just know if I ask people in my life they’ll feed me the “just be happy with who you are” speech and like I DO like myself But I need some help