Filament failing to load

I need some help here. (Bambu A1 with AMS lite)

TL/DR: I am having issues with my filament feeding into the extruder.

I reached out to Bambu. I was instructed to remove and check the AMS hub. I flatten the metal rings and put everything back. Temporary fix until the problem occurs again. This was happening on the 3rd line. Whenever it would switch filament, it wouldn’t feed through.

I purchased a new AMS hub since I noticed a piece chipped off of the original. Now instead of line 3, happening on line 2.

Should I just keep popping off the AMS hub and flattening the rings? Is that really the issue or am I missing something else?

Filament has been cut at 45° and works but once it is cut my extruder it won’t load on its own.