Looking for an explanation on why this is happening towards the end of the print.

Hi, I’m new to 3D printing and recently got the A1 as my first printer. So far all my prints have turned out pretty good but I’ve noticed that in my last print there have been these imperfections that mainly only happen towards the end of the print. Still very new to the hobby so not sure how to diagnose the issue. To my untrained eye it seems like the layers aren’t adhering correctly so maybe a temperature issue or maybe the print head formed a clog and have flow issues? Just trying to learn and spot common issues and how to fix em

Hi, I’m new to 3D printing and recently got the A1 as my first printer. So far all my prints have turned out pretty good but I’ve noticed that in my last print there have been these imperfections that mainly only happen towards the end of the print. Still very new to the hobby so not sure how to diagnose the issue. To my untrained eye it seems like the layers aren’t adhering correctly so maybe a temperature issue or maybe the print head formed a clog and have flow issues? Just trying to learn and spot common issues and how to fix em