Bgc 8 rant

Bgc 8 was a season on which i have a lot of strong opinions on. I feel like the first mistake was casting twins. I feel like the season would be so much better if the twins were cast as replacements and Elease and Camilla as originals. I feel like Danni and Gabi didnt get into fights alone cause they knew if one gets sent home both of them were getting sent home. Also idc what yall say Jenna was a bad girl. She knew how to party, she was pretty, she had funny moments, i feel like i could see her building a friendship with elease. So yeah. As per who ran the house that season i have honestly no idea.

Gia- was pretty much a follower but i kinda liked her. She funny and likeable. But minus points for jumping christibe

Erica- she deffo did not run the house, even she said it, she influenced the house. She was pretty much a jumpahoe and that weave was horrid. I feel like she didnt know how to fight

Amy- she is fun blonde, party girl whos got a mouth. I actaully liked Amy and found her so funny from time to time. She didnt run the house and kinda did her own thing.

Mimi- i liked her a lot. Shes also pretty likeabale and diffrent from the other girls. I feel like she knew kinda how to fight but wasnt the best at it. She also had problem with alcohol.

Elease- shes just a replacement who honestly didnt know how to fight. She had her looks going for her but thats about it. Yeah she was also mad that another pretty girl came into the house. Thats why she was mad lmaoo.

Only included the girls who made it to the end of the season