
BGC Replacements either brought nothing to the table or were so memorable that you forget that they are replacements.

Here are some replacements that I be forgetting are replacements 1. Rocky 2. Camila 3. GiGi 4. Jamie & Jazz 5. Wilma

Here are some that brought absolutely nothing to the season 1. Cheyenne 2. Ashley (season 5) 3. Lexie (liked her just played background ) 4. Zuly 5. Natasha (s9)

Then there are some that idk how I feel about 1. Nancy 2. Christina (s5) 3. Ashley (season 6) 4. Jenn (season 6) 5. Elease

Sometimes I wonder what made producers chose certain girls over others - Like what made them pick Tess on season 11. - why choose Jessica & Ana over Susu and Hanan - choosing Kailee over any of the replacements for season 16