Would this be a valid ask? (Bird flu)
I live in a city that allows us to keep hens in our small yard. Our houses are very close together. Both of my immediate neighbors know we have chickens and actually love watching them when I let them out to roam the yard. We haven’t had any cases of the bird flu in our state yet but I’ve started making sure my girls are buttoned up away from wild birds to be safe. One of my neighbors has put out several bird feeders and the sparrows are camping out in their yard. Would it be unreasonable to inform them about the bird flu issue and ask them to remove the bird feeders? We’ve only ever had a good relationship with our neighbors and I’ve even given them eggs this past summer, I’m just wondering if I’d be overstepping. Obviously the bird flu is a serious issue but is it THAT serious if I have by girls tucked away well enough ?