Am I stealing my sister’s baby name. Is it wrong?

For the sake of this story I’m not gonna use the actual names, but I will uses ones that would work for the issue.

I 28(F) am married and pregnant with a boy. My husband came to me with the name Monroe, Roe for short.

We loved it and decided that would be the name.

Then a month later I recalled years ago my sister who is currently 24 and single, had listed some names she likes. Charlie, Oliver, and Rhodes. Roe for short. This was years ago, and she seemed to be throwing names out.

I want to choose the name, but I fear my sisters first thought will be that it was one of her names. It truly wasn’t. My husband was the one who thought of it and after going through hundreds of names, it’s the only one we like. I know I could just do it. But I have no desire to upset her. I want nothing but happiness and joy around the birth of the baby. I don’t want to upset anyone to get my way. But I fear if I bring it up to her she will think I was intentionally taking it from her. Again, it is a completely different name. But the nicknames are the same.