Anyone completely lost their sex drive in pregnancy?

Hi, so I am currently 19 week pregnant with my second child and just like in my first pregnancy, I completely lost my sex drive. Like I don't even feel like a sexual being, I don't want to do anything sexual-related at all. It's not because of fatigue, I had that in the first trimester, but I feel much better rested now in the second trimester.

I was just wondering if anyone experienced the same. I sometimes read online or see in movies/TV shows how pregnant women's sex drives skyrocket during pregnancy and here I am, totally the opposite extreme. I would say I even have a sex aversion atm.

As I said, I had that during my first pregnancy too and it went away fast after giving birth and me and my husband were able to return to our normal sex lives as soon as we overcame the total exhaustian that the newborn period brought.

My husband is very nice about it and he doesn't want to push me into anything. He says he is fine with not having sex while I am pregnant. I know there is no point trying to force myself into it and pretend like I enjoy it because he knows me and he would recognize I am faking for sure and then he wouldn't enjoy it either.

I am just wondering how common this situation is. Anyone with the same/similar experience?