History Teacher
If everyone was wondering how was the job of teacher, here you go
- Age: 26
- Education: Master and Aggregation
- Work experience : 4-5 month
- Civil status: Living together
- Dependent people/children: 0
- Sector/Industry: FWB
- Amount of employees: A lot
- Multinational? NO
- Current job title: History teacher
- Job description: History teacher in Brussels in 4th year in a technical and professional school.
- Seniority: 4-5month
- Official hours/week : 17
- Average real hours/week incl. overtime: Hard to say. I work some nights and weekend, it really depends if I need to prepare a lot of things, if I have corrections, reunions...It varies between 4 to 10 hours in addition to my 17 hours.
- Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): Not flexible at all
- On-call duty: NO
- Vacation days/year: 45 days. Since my contract is until June, summer isn't included. With summer that would be 80.
- Gross salary/month: 2200-2300
- Net salary/month: 1950+-
- Netto compensation: I don't know what that is
- Car/bike/... or mobility budget: Bike budget, but since I don't take the bike I don't know what it is
- 13th month (full? partial?): bi-annual bonus based on salary from the year before. It can varies from 1 to 3k but since I didn't work last year I didn't get anything
- Meal vouchers: None
- Ecocheques: None
- Group insurance: None
- Other insurances: Hospital insurance
- Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): 100/year informatics bonus
- City/region of work: Brussels
- Distance home-work: 25km/30-55min
- How do you commute? Bus or Car
- How is the travel home-work compensated: ** Bus is payed by the FWB. Car is not compensated.**
- Telework days/week: None
- How easily can you plan a day off: I can't. However I can take a sick day whenever without a doctor's note
- Is your job stressful? Very
- Responsible for personnel (reports): /