B12 deficiency?
Extremely sorry for the long post.. I don't know if this falls under personal anecdote or just symptoms, it's kinda both ig?
Earlier this year I started to notice sharp pains in my legs, they weren't too frequent and were far between so I didn't think anything of it at the time.
Flash forward to around February this year I started to experience chronic sharp pain around my feet, they would start becoming very warm and would swell up considerably, making it difficult for me to walk or do much, my feet had become numb too, it was gradual but it got to a point I was in chronic pain to a point I couldn't sleep or even walk far. I also experienced a lot of fatigue, bad memory (worse than usual), loss of balance.
I went to a few doctors who diagnosed me with cellulitis and was given a dose of antibiotics for about 2 weeks until I went into hospital and was told this likely wasn't an infection but something else entirely. Was given a dose of anti inflammatory meds and then was given an appointment to go into a different hospital at a different day.
I finally got blood tests done and was told my b12 levels were abnormally low, i dont have the best diet but they said that my levels were so low to a point where even someone who was malnourished wouldn't have had them that low, was taken off the anti inflammatory meds due to the fact they could mess with my levels (i had on been on them for maybe a week or two, my memory is very bad so bear with me) and then I was given Pregabalin to combat the nerve pain I was experiencing. Was told to stop taking heart burn medicine too which I would take rennies or nexium.
I also received several injections for b12 over time.
Finally after starting Pregabalin, I saw some relief in my symptoms, mainly I wasn't experiencing chronic pain anymore but I still cannot do much due to the swelling, my feet getting warm and still struggling with pain too. I'm able to at least have a somewhat normal life again but im still very limited.
Finally was given a date to see a neurologist around February but I had to wait until May. to see her. Went in May and was told I would need to have an mri to see if there was any damage to my spinal or brain. Had to wait until September for that appointment, got no word on my results for a month because the doctor who got my results never called me, but in the end nothing came up in those scans. Was told I'd likely need to get more tests done and was given a date for an EMG.
I just had my EMG on Monday and I finally got answers, there was some nerve damage, possibly due to the b12 deficiency. I can't say for sure how long I had experienced these low levels since it took so long to finally get them checked.
The last few times I've gotten my b12 levels checked I've been told they are normal again, I' can't tell if my symptoms are getting better or if they are just steady due to the Pregabalin.
If my b12 levels were finally becoming normal only maybe around May or August, should I expect to slowly recover? This whole experience has left me me unable to just live my life and I was really just wondering if anyone has experienced this or something similar. It has been hell and I still see no end in sight. I just want to be able to walk to the shop without being completely uncomfortable.. that's literally all I want
I'm still experiencing pain, swelling, numbness in my feet. Little background, I'm 24 years old, I'm a trans man on testosterone and I'm from Ireland. I apologise if the post is a bit over the place I'm not the best at pacing or formatting stuff.